Newton Fund – Ristekdikti – DIPI Research Call
Mei 28, 2016
The Research Councils UK (RCUK), the Indonesia Science Fund (DIPI), the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (Ristekdikti), the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE), the Department of Science and Technology Philippines (DOST), and the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) are pleased to invite applications to the UK – Southeast Asia Small Scale Research Partnerships Call for Proposals 2016. This funding also aims at supporting UK-Indonesia research collaboration in the topics of:
1. Astronomy and capacity building in big data & instrumentation
2. Food-water-energy nexus (including zoonosis)
3. Mental health in relation to disaster resilience
More detailed information is available here
Feel free to contact should you have any queries. Looking forward to your participation and grateful for your help in passing on to those whom might be interested.